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In the realm of FootGolf, the journey to mastery is both arduous and exhilarating. With great admiration and respect, we extend our heartfelt congratulations to the players who have qualified for the Masters 2024. Achieving this milestone through the World Ranking, Regional Rankings, and as National Champions is a testament to your dedication, skill, and the spirit of excellence that defines the very best in FootGolf. (text continues below)

Aaron Macsad

Gisela Zavala

Mpho Mbele

Aaron Turner

Giuseppe Perruzza

Murilo Dambroso

Agui Alves

Glyn Cooke

Nahun Flores

Agustin Olaechea

Göksel Aksu

Naoko Miura

Agustina Cendoya

Gonzalo Novosad

Neil Shave

Ahmad Faizal Abdul Karim

Guillermo Sandoval

Nicklas Karlsson

Alasdair Dick

Gyorgy Podusil

Nicolas Arias

Aleksei Gusev

György Tóth

Nicolas Garcia

Alexander Alenbring

Halfdan Roth

Nicolas Pussini

Alexandre Marau

Haruka Maeda

Nisa Alina Zulkefli

Alexis Bellanger

Hector Eduardo Mendez

Noé Cortiñas Brey

Alfons de Kort

Herman van Eekeres

Norberto Raggio

Anders Liadal

Hermes Martinez

Odin Patiño

András Bodócs

Hezri Suleiman

Osamu Maeda

Andrea Chapa

Hidenari Suzuki

Oscar Hundt

Andrej Ivan

Hiroyuki Oka

Osman Bayazit Genç

Andres Bilancieri

Igor Sturov

Ovilia Georgina Cruz Ventura

Andrés Parada

Ivan de Souza

Paolo Tommaso Celebrano

Angel Reyes

Ivan Godoy

Patryk Kwiecień

Anibal Rodriguez

Iveta Vondráčková

Patryk Zimer

Anjuli Ladron

Izabella Ujvari

Paul Downey

Anthony Lassaigne

Jack Harris

Paul Schmieder

Antonio Balestra

Jacques Holzer

Pedro Brito

Araco Arai

James Barry

Pedro J Brito

Arianna Brotto

Jan Aksel Odden

Peter Rolli

Armando Begines

Jan Holic

Petr Šisler

Armando Caldeira

Jan Kozak

Piero Menor

Arsenio Rodriguez

Jan-Willem Baas

Raffaele Stifano D.

Arthur Ayral

János Flink

Raymond Eriksen

Arturo González

Jean-François Ducry

Rebeca Domingo

Arturo González Alvarado

Jeffrey Cottam

Rebeka Režná

Aydın Salur

Jen Broughall

Renato Semenssi

Azezi Mahidin

Jens Isaksson

Rene Alonso Madero Chavez

Barbara Britzen

Jeremy Johnson

Rento Kawajiri

Béla Lengyel

Jeroen Coppens

Rhys Williams

Ben Clarke

Jie Zhang

Rina Akutsu

Bence Bacskai

Jimmy Barry

Rob Sahm

Bilgin Defterli

Jingcheng Zhao

Robert Cabrera

Bogar Arciniega

JingCheng Zhao

Roberto Ghezzi

Bojan Taneski

Jiří Šimandl

Rogério Giardini

Borja Calvo Sanchez

Jo Reid

Roland van Andel

Branislav Thron

Joaquin Arias

Roman Herčík

Brian Villarreal

Joe Donoghue

Ryan Paisley

Bryan Steinsapir

José Guerra

Sabina Huber

Carlos Calvo

Josef Nemec

Sakiko Komura

Camel Meriem

Josh Ackland

Salvador Naranjo Alcaraz

Caroline Schoffit

Juan Jose Treviño

Sandi Podgoršek

Cassiano Pianaro

Julia Kuboi

Sandro Bertoli

Cedric Bonnot

Julieta Giordano

Sandro Rodríguez

Cesar  Gonzalez Orozco

Julio Colacci

Sandy Levittas

Charlotte Amaury

Julio Rumiano

Sanuja Makhtar

Christophe Baeten

Jurides Caldart

Sara Marques

christophe Keuleers

Karl Baker-May

Sebastian Godoy

Christopher Buaillon

Katie Donoghue

Sébastien Dany

Claire Williams

Katy Smith

Sébastien Penchemel

Claudia Ríos

Kazumi Tomizawa

Seiji Kudo

Colin Murray

Kefilwe Mphake

Selçuk Bir

Colin Murray

Kelly Menzies

Sergio Ormeno

Cristian Basso

Kevin Place

Sergio Perelman

Cristian Javier Fernandez

Klaas Wijers

Sergio Toth

Cristian Vicuña

Klaudia Nemcova

Sergio Zorniotti

Cristiane Ferreira

Kostas Krokos

Shahril Arsat

Damian Popovich

Kristoffer Saetrenes

Shannon Knott

Daniel Berrios

Laura Rolli

Silvia Zahradnickova

Danilo Pereyra

Laurence Moulignier

Simon Rigaud

Danmersom Souza

Laurent Guenaire

Slawomir Przybysz

Daphne Stienstra

Leon Šuntner

Sofie Magnusson

Darrin Karuzas

Leonardo Monteleone

Stefan Blahovec

Delfina Piovani

Lionel Jacot

Stefano Cavi

Derek Mills

Lorenzo Di Gesu

Stein Tengs Arnestad

Diego Nuñez

Lucia Bernuz Culebras

Stephen Grant

Dinora de Jesús Cruz Ventura

Lucia Cermakova

Stephen Senyard

Dóra Kuchta

Lucile Rochat

Steven Sui

Dusan Vangel

Luis Figueira Marono

Stewart Paisley

Eneias Caetano

Luís Machado Santos

Susanne Berg

Enrique García

Luis olivera

Syamsuar Mohd Sachari

Enrique Reyes Retana

Maciej Gemborys

Takamasa Otsuka

Eric Hanss

Manabu Shirakawa

Takeshi Tanaka

Eric Seifert

Manuel Brindis

Takuya Kumakura

Espen Enevold

Manuel Joannas

Talfik Rayyan

Eugene Otsuka

Marcelo Abdala

Tatyana Gabrielyan

Evgeniy Levchenko

Marcelo Papaleo

Telmo Matos

Fabio Arias

Marcos Damian Ghezzi

Thomas Felix

Fabrice Lefevre

Marek Vittek

Thomas Samons

Faizal Rahman

Mariano Raggio

Tiffany Suss

Ferdy Lago

Mario Calderon

Tommy Martinez

Fernanda Posat

Mario Cesar Barron

Toshiyuki Abe

Fernando Grossi

Mario González

Troy Sullivan

Fernando Lago

Marit Schaap

Valentina Pereyra

Fernando Mentasti

Mark Eaglestone

Victor  Alatriste Flores

Flavio Azenha

Mark Halle

Vincent Huber

Florian Warsemann

Marta Noronha

Wesley van den Broek

Francisco De la Garza

Martin Šimončič

Wilson Olivera

Frederic Crevon

Marzi Omar

Ximena Richardson

Frédéric Hedin

Masumi Oyama

Yannick Beyer

Gábor Simonyi

Matias Perrone

Yasuyuki Hirano

Gabriel García

Matus Vido

Yerko Guerra

Gabriela Febres

Maud Slechten

Yolanda Benitez

Gaëtan Poirier

Max Aguiar Thomsen

Yoshiteru Fujiwara

Gaspar Maschio

Michael Carozzi

Yuji Kurihara

Gaston Hernandez

Michael Wilkes Jr.

Yuka Kiryu

German Lavallen

Miguel Castañeda Rivas

Yusuke Kawazoe

Gianfranco Gori

Mike Mc Cormack

Yusuke Tachibana

Giovani Anzisi

Milagros Alfonso

Zhen Wang

Zul Hilmi Mohd Zaki

Event Details: An Overview

The Masters 2024 is not just a competition but a celebration of FootGolf's highest standards. This prestigious event will be held within the framework of the French Open, marking a confluence of global talents under the serene skies of le Golf Parc Robert Hersant. We are excited to welcome you to this exceptional venue from June 20 to 23, 2024. For those eager to glimpse the location, feel free to explore here: Le Golf Parc Robert Hersant.

Enhanced Experience Through Course Redesign:

In our commitment to providing an unparalleled competitive experience, the course at Le Golf Parc Robert Hersant will be meticulously redesigned for the Masters. This redesign aims to challenge the skills of our elite players further, ensuring that the course tests every aspect of their game. Additionally, recognizing the potential for a larger field of competitors and the desire to offer varied challenges, an additional course close to the venue will be prepared if necessary. This ensures all participants can fully engage in the competition, showcasing their abilities across diverse and challenging terrains.

Registration Process: Securing Your Spot

As we enter the event, all qualified players must formalize their participation. Here's how you can ensure your place among the elites:

Preparation: Every detail regarding the event has been meticulously sent to the players via email. Please review this information thoroughly to understand the full spectrum of the event's scope, the opportunities it presents, and the prize credit distribution.

Registration: Please visit the French FootGolf Association's official website at FootGolf French Open Registration. This platform serves as your gateway to confirming your participation.

Availing the Promotional Price: Please contact to request your discount code before registering. This code will enable you to apply the special rate exclusively available to Masters qualifiers, which includes:

Men: A special rate of 280€

Women: A reduced rate of 250€

Pair Competition: A nominal fee of 40€ per player

Bonus: A complimentary French membership card

A Gentle Reminder:

The privilege of participating in the Masters is reserved for those who have demonstrated unparalleled prowess in FootGolf. As such, we remind all qualified players that the preferential rates and registration spots are guaranteed only until Sunday, February 18. Acting promptly to secure your place in this celebrated event is crucial.

World Tour prize credit:

This year, for the first time, the prize credit from the World Tour will be exclusively distributed at the World Masters. This prestigious allocation underscores the significance of the Masters as the zenith of the FootGolf competition worldwide, as the players also requested. Only pre-qualified players have the honour and opportunity to win this prize credit, further elevating the status and competitive spirit of the event.

In Closing:

As we look forward to the convergence of the world's top FootGolf talents at Golf Parc Robert Hersant, we are reminded of the spirit of camaraderie, competition, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines our community. The Masters 2024 promises to be a landmark event, a gathering of the finest players set against the backdrop of one of France's most picturesque golf courses and the enhanced challenge presented by the course redesign.

To all qualified players, your journey thus far is commendable, but the road to glory extends before you. We await your participation with great anticipation and wish you the best in your preparations.

May the Masters 2024 be a milestone to the enduring spirit of FootGolf, and may it inspire others to reach for the pinnacle of this magnificent sport.


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